Thursday, July 11, 2013


Rain song 1:

Well, went for a long drive today, making some pretext to get some outdoors work done. The weather as some Twitter ladies say was 'Clooney Weather'. Which means cloudy weather, dangerous weather, irresistible weather and kinda reckless weather. Some parts of Delhi are simply beautiful to drive through. My favourite is the Chanakyapuri Diplomatic area, very well kept with lush green trees and flowers everywhere.

Once I was done with work at some offices there, I stepped out to see that a relentless downpour had started. Was not carrying an umbrella, it was getting late. So just said 'what the heck' and got totally drenched. Rain in India is greeted with such gusto. Suddenly everything and everyone starts smiling- the parched ground, the roads, the trees, the children, the peacocks. It's a feeling perhaps a Londoner can never understand or appreciate. Let Londoners do what they do best. We in this part of the world will always welcome rain with open arms. One has to concede that we have a rather long and sultry summer. Rain is like manna from heaven, replenishing the Earth, rejuvenating everything.

We have hundreds of songs about waiting for rains and even more celebrating rain. This is one of the most beautiful rain and monsoon songs by Lata. Shabana in her prime, a lush green Bengal countryside and nostalgia (ha ha don't they always go hand in hand)...... And yes I have to still learn how to tie a saree Bengali style. Need help Madhvi, Madhulika, Sushmita, Srijeeta and all those other Bong bombshells out there!

Here's a translation of this beautiful rain song. You will notice how nature was such a huge part of people's lifestyle once. If you listen to nature, it gives all the answers. It is only when we alienate ourselves from nature and start living sterile, synthetic lives that the world looks dull and unexciting. So step out, enjoy the breeze, get drenched, splash in the puddles, smell a flower:

Oh! What happened in a moment!
In to a spin I was sent,
And there went my heart too,
As the gentle zephyr blew.
My dupatta calls out to the breeze
That the rains this year are such a tease.
My loved one brought in the rains and how!
It’s difficult to live without him now.

The gentle breeze lets ebb and bob,
A small sailboat of hope.
My earings dangle and throb
And quietly give me the dope,
That he will be here in a while.
Just call him with a loving smile.

In the gardens the flowers blossom.
They cling to me and help me fathom.
For they say tread slowly oh pretty girl!
Hold us and come along.
You will find him not before long,
The one who has you in a whirl.

Oh! What happened in a moment!
In to a spin I was sent,
And there went my heart too
As the gentle zephyr blew……….
My loved one brought in the rains and how!
It’s difficult to live without him now.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I reached your blog through YouTube, but I didn't have the slightest idea that I was in for a literary treasure. The choice of words for defining what you felt at that moment has taken my heart away. I don't know how many times I have felt the Indian rains this way but was never able to put those feelings into words the way u did. Also, the translation of song is equally worthy of an applause, just because you maintained the sanctity of the implications it's lyrics had.
